My Experience
After that experience at the Brian Weiss and John Holland lecture, I would occasionally go to a weekend lecture or mediumship workshop. But a couple of years later, my mother unexpectedly passed away. It hit me that life was short and to stop putting off things I would like to do. So, I decided to walk into my local spiritual church and try a beginner's psychic & mediumship class and I loved it! Ever since then, I have been diving into the psychic & mediumship world; learning as much as I can. Since that first class back in January 2017, I have been taking weekly classes to practice my and expanded my mediumship abilities. I have also studied with internationally renowned mediums, Tony Stockwell, Christine Morgan, Simone Key, Paul Jacobs, Lynn Probert, Chris Drew, Eileen Davies, Colin Bates and John Holland.
In December 2019, I traveled to Stansted, England, to "the world's foremost college for the advancement of psychic science," the Arthur Findlay College, for a week of classes. It was an amazing experience which fueled my desire to learn more. I've since been back a handful of times.
Currently I have been working with a Non-Profit Search and Rescue team in Texas called Search and Rescue SATX, by helping them locate and solve missing person cases.
I am so passionate about mediumship. I know our loved ones are around; they are just a thought away and in a different form. I honestly don't know how it all works, but I find it both fascinating and comforting at the same time. And I'm happy to share this miraculously healing experience with you during a reading.